The Best Kevlar Fishing Line Reviewed

spool Kevlar line

I remember when Dad first tried out kevlar fishing line, all the way back in the early to mid 1990s when some of these “super lines” started coming out. Considering our annual high adventure fishing … Read more

Best High Gaiters for the Winter Sportsman

gaitered feet in winter tent with camera and book

I don’t care what season it is, it’s always a good time for a hike. However, some seasons have particular challenges. While summer demands sunscreen and plenty of extra water, and perhaps some portable shade, … Read more

Best Tips for Camping with Your Kids

outdoor family picnic while camping

Introduction: They don’t come often, but we have another guest post today, and this is one I think Jon will like. As he’s raising the nephews he’s always looking at age appropriate activities to make … Read more

Venomous Snakes Native to the U.S.

western diamondback rattlesnake in grass

Snakes. So many snakes and honestly so many of my worst nightmares involve these slithering members of our natural world. While well over 90% of the time a snake is going to be harmless to … Read more

Best Fishing Bite Alarms Reviewed

fishing rod on dock woods and lake background

Why does anyone need a good fishing alarm? This was a question I once wondered about myself, but some time and experience on and around many different waters taught me that sometimes this was a … Read more