Venomous Snakes Native to the U.S.

western diamondback rattlesnake in grass

Snakes. So many snakes and honestly so many of my worst nightmares involve these slithering members of our natural world. While well over 90% of the time a snake is going to be harmless to … Read more

Best Fishing Bite Alarms Reviewed

fishing rod on dock woods and lake background

Why does anyone need a good fishing alarm? This was a question I once wondered about myself, but some time and experience on and around many different waters taught me that sometimes this was a … Read more

The Best Ice Axes Reviewed for 2022

man scaling cliff face

There are some pieces of outdoor gear that are all but impossible to ignore or forget (like a giant family tent), but then there are small pieces of equipment that can be easy to overlook … Read more

Best Ice Augers for Ice Fishing Season

man ice fishing

Some people are perfectly fine with three seasons for fishing. Then there’s the group that stares death daggers at you at the mere idea that there’s a season where no fishing takes place. This dedicated … Read more