The Best Snake Boots for Men Reviewed

Multiple coiled rattlesnakes

Whether it’s on the prairies of North Dakota, in the timbers of the Rocky Mountains, or down by the Mississippi River basin, one of the last things you want to hear when going through the … Read more

The Best Solar Cookers Reviewed

evening sun with bird shadows

One product line that has become much more popular in recent years is solar cookers. Solar cookers, or solar ovens, use the sun to cook food or boil water. They can be extremely effective – … Read more

The Best Portable Solar Battery Chargers

One piece of equipment I like having for my longer camping trips is a good solar charger. People call these products by a lot of different names (solar chargers, solar battery chargers, backpacking solar chargers, … Read more

The Best Solar Camping Lanterns Reviewed

One piece of camping equipment I always like to have with me is a good solar lantern. Lanterns are very nice for illuminating your campsite or tent, and they tend to provide more visibility than … Read more

Best Snake Proof Gaiters Reviewed

Angry rattlesnake

There are many basic fears or phobias a lot of us have, and I’m not ashamed to admit that snakes are a big one for me. Venomous pit vipers, big constrictors, or just a tiny … Read more

Our Solo Stove Lite Review

Solo Stove Blueprint Design

Whenever a piece of gear comes out that offers a safe place for a cooking fire, I’m definitely interested. A great portable wood stove is incredibly hard to find, especially one that you can easily … Read more

Solar Camp Showers Reviewed

One item in my camping gear collection that really surprised me with its effectiveness was the Solar Camp Shower that I purchased. I bought it thinking it would be nice to have a way to … Read more

Solo Stove Titan Review

Solo Stove interior graphics

When the Solo Stove Titan first came out, my brother and I were genuinely extremely excited. There are some companies that are just clearly head and shoulders above the competition and tend to rise to … Read more

Solo Stove Campfire Review

cooking steak on wood gas stove

I’m a huge fan of what I’m seeing from Solo Stove as a company in general. These products are extremely high quality, serve a very specific and useful outdoor purpose, and can be used by … Read more

The Best Solar Powered Backpacks Reviewed!

For those of us that really like to spend a lot of time outdoors away from electricity, but also really like using our smartphones for documenting those outdoor adventures – a real smart investment would … Read more