Best Shooting Spotting Scopes Reviewed

green spotting scope mounted on tripod

Shooting spotting scopes are a very useful accessory that every hunter or recreational shooter should add to their collection. Although some gun owners choose to use binoculars for their sighting needs, there are a lot … Read more

The Best Pocket Chain Saws Reviewed

pocket chainsaw on cut tree stump

There are many different options out there when it comes to a good survival saw, and truth be told when I started a batch of articles reviewing the best survival saws out there, the pocket … Read more

Best Fishing Nets for Walleye Fishing

If you have been reading this site for a while, you probably noticed that I’m big into catch and release fishing. However, there is one species of fish that I will keep just about every … Read more

The Ultimate Northern Pike Fishing Guide

jon catches northern pike

If you have been reading our work at for a while now, you probably realize we are huge fans of northern pike fishing. I think both my brother and I would agree some of … Read more

Best Shooting Ear Plugs Reviewed

orange earplug in ear

Anyone who enjoys hunting or recreational shooting should use proper hearing protection every time they fire their weapon. Although earmuffs are a great choice, there are many benefits to using ear plugs instead. For instance, … Read more

Best Spotting Scope Tripods for Shooters

black tripod

Many long-range hunters prefer to use spotting scopes over binoculars, and although there are several great reasons for this, without a quality tripod, you’ll have a hard time taking your game to the next level. … Read more

Quick Hitter: The Best Octagon Tents

If you have read our site in the past, you have probably noticed we like to share different tent designs that really catch our attention. We have talked about how much we like Instant Tents, … Read more