Best Camping Trowels Reviewed

diagram of cat hole

One of the problems with being embarrassed with certain outdoor topics is that you tend to then forget necessary equipment to make your camping and hiking experiences complete. If you’re going to be camping a … Read more

Best Tent Footprints Reviewed

A good tent footprint is one of those pieces of equipment that can be easily overlooked but it can make all the difference when setting up the perfect campsite. These protective pieces of cloth are a … Read more

Guard Alaska Bear Spray Review

angry grizzly bear

Guard Alaska bear spray is one of only 4 EPA-approved bear deterrent sprays currently on the market. One of the most important pieces of outdoor gear you can have when you hit the thick wilderness … Read more

Best Hammock Rain Fly & Tarps Reviewed

raindrops splashing off puddle

You don’t want to buy an outdoor hammock without also getting a rain fly or rain tarp. While a camping hammock can provide a wide array of advantages to other methods of camping, you still … Read more

Hammock Camping: Everything You Need To Know

girl relaxing in hammock

Hammocking isn’t necessarily a new practice as there’s a long history of hammocks being a legitimate choice when it comes to outdoor sleeping, however the modern resurgence of hammock use for camping as opposed to … Read more

Counter Assault Bear Spray Review

brown bear in tall grass

Bear spray is one of those self-defense precautions that is critical if you want to ensure your safety and give yourself serious peace of mind when you are exploring the rugged beauty of areas that … Read more

UDAP Bear Spray Review

Wet grizzly swimming

UDAP bear deterrent spray is one of the most popular brands of anti-bear attack deterrent that is currently out there on the market. While this definitely isn’t necessary for every area, if you live in … Read more

Best Dog Deterrent Spray

The idea for doing an article on the best dog deterrent spray actually comes from an experience I had back in late September of last year. This was mentioned in a past blog post about … Read more

Best Biodegradable Camp Toilet Paper

tents wood scrap outdoor bench

There are many outdoor topics that don’t fall under the category of “fun” or “sexy,” but which are so important that they need to be talked about. One huge example: bathroom needs at rustic campsites … Read more

Best Pop Up Privacy Tents Reviewed

gray changing tent forest campsite

Pop up privacy tents are a specialty type of outdoor tent that go by many different names. Often referred to as portable changing rooms or outdoor pop up privacy rooms/tents, there’s no denying that the … Read more