How to Catch Panfish in the Winter

Yellow perch on ice

Where do panfish go in the winter? For younger anglers, this can be a baffling mystery. Getting bluegill, crappie, sunfish, and others to bite in the spring, summer, and even fall is no problem. But … Read more

Best Venomous Snake Collection Buckets & Bags

woman using snake hooks to move rattlesnake

When calling a professional snake relocation specialist isn’t an option you may find yourself needing to capture the snake yourself. While very few venomous snake bites in the United States are fatal, they still need … Read more

Can Fishing Line Be Recycled?

snagged fishing line on stick

Can fishing line be recycled? If you spend a lot of time in the Great Outdoors then you quickly come to appreciate not only the beauty of nature but also the need to make sure … Read more

Are Hammocks Lighter Than Tents?

two trail hikers in autumn

If you’re the type who likes to camp in really isolated country or even spend multiple days backpacking and hiking, then suddenly the weight of your pack matters a lot more than if you’re just … Read more

Best Snake Hooks Reviewed

woman using snake hooks to move rattlesnake

Handling snakes takes steady hands, careful action, and the right tools for the job. While it’s always a good idea to call professionals, especially when dealing with a large venomous snake, for plenty of ranchers, … Read more

Wet Fly Vs. Dry Fly: What’s the Difference?

fly fisher holding rod

To say “conventional” fishing and fly fishing are different goes well beyond the realm of understatement. My first experience with fly fishing came in Alaska, when reading A River Runs Through It for an outdoor … Read more

What Is a Primitive Campsite?

campfire burning at night

Modern Definition of Primitive Campsite At its core primitive campsites are just like they sound like: basic areas set up for camping but without any amenities you might expect at a normal campground. However, what … Read more

Why Do Snakes Have Forked Tongues?

green tree snake with tongue out

Sometimes it’s the really seemingly basic questions that keep you up at night. While we’ve done plenty of really specific articles on important topics like telling copperheads apart from mimics, properly ID’ing water moccasins, or … Read more

How to Make Homemade Snake Tongs

rattlesnake held by snake tongs

If you grew up on a property that was overrun by snakes like my brother and I did, then it was only a matter of time before running into a big snake that could pose … Read more

How Much Does a Portable Kayak Weigh?

father and son kayaking on beach

Kayaks are not especially lightweight, nor should they be. If you’re going to enjoy the water you need to make sure that the boat you use can hold your weight and handle any challenges that … Read more