
When Solo Stove comes out with a new offering, my brother and I definitely pay attention. There aren’t many names in any field of outdoor gear that consistently manage 4.5 or even 5.0 star average on Amazon, but that’s what this company has managed to do with each of their releases, and it doesn’t take long to see why.
They don’t put out many products, but when they do you know anything with the Solo Stove mark on it is going to be extremely high quality. As of this writing, the Solo Stove Bonfire was up on Kickstarter with a goal of $15,000 for helping to push forward its mass production after several prototypes were made, and they were at half a million dollars raised.
Safe to say, this next step in the Solo Stove product line will be coming out soon and you know we’ll be reviewing it as soon as it is open to the general public. This is a very unique idea in a great outdoor niche they are already dominating, and the bonfire is going to be the largest of all the Solo Stove models available to campers, hikers, and outdoor adventurers of all types.
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What Can We Expect from the Upcoming Solo Stove Bonfire
I’m really excited about seeing this when it comes out, in part because since I currently live in the city now, having a fire to stand around just isn’t the type of option it was living on 3 acres off a gravel road or in a cabin in Alaska. However there is a small backyard, and having a fully contained system like this that doesn’t have to work with a permanent fire pit is something I can really get behind.
The custom design allows for extremely efficient burning and heat while the fire remains contained in the stainless steel stove. I’m curious to see just how much of a difference there will be between the amount of wood you need to toss on a normal bonfire over the course of an evening and what the contained bonfire pit takes to get the same amount of heat over the entire nighttime get-together.
Pretty convincing, isn’t it?
As for what is available right now from this excellent company:
Picture | Name | Star Rating |
![]() | Solo Stove Lite | 4.8 |
![]() | Solo Stove Campfire | 4.9 |
![]() | Solo Stove Campfire & 2 Pot Set Combo | 4.9 |
![]() | Solo Stove & Pot 900 Combo | 4.7 |
![]() | Solo Stove Titan | 4.8 |
Solo Stove Lite

Slightly smaller than the Solo Stove Campfire, the Lite is an outstanding piece of equipment only weighs half a pound. Made out of high quality stainless steel and using a patented design that makes the heat retention and burning energy as efficient as possible. Unlike most traveling stoves this does not require gas or propane.
The Lite model of the Solo Stove uses twigs, pine cones, and small sticks or bits of food for fuel. The design allows for a complete burn, sometimes even referred to as a “secondary burn” since the design prevents the wasteful and fast removal of so many gas and debris elements that flash off of a normal fire, taking more potential fuel with them.
In other words this ultra light stove that uses natural fuel that can be scavenged from almost any trail or park also burns a lot better off less fuel. The one piece construction means it’s built to last, and for campers who love the ultra long or multi-day hikes, this is a great carry along to make meal preparation easy and with minimum impact on the environment around you since you don’t need to make the traditional fire pit.
There is a lot to love about this lighter version of the original Solo Stove, and it’s worth checking out if you have no other experience with this brand of portable lightweight wood stoves for backpackers.
Solo Stove Campfire

The Solo Stove Campfire is an amazing product, and the basis for all the other related products based around the same design. I don’t like overusing words like “amazing” or “remarkable” but this is the #1 wood burning stove according to Backpacker Magazine, which is exceptional in and of itself but this piece of equipment was also called one of the best of 2014.
Weighing 2.2 pounds, this main model is good to cook for 2 to 4 people effectively, this patented design involves not only a double wall but the best located circular airways so that the fire can be fed effectively without giving away the heat and energy that open fires do. There’s a reason Backpacker magazine is so high on this particular piece of equipment. Lightweight, well built, these stoves are also absolutely effective and able to build up the heat from a fire quickly.
For example, water can be boiled in as little as 3-4 minutes. Toss a pan on and fry up some meat or stir fry for lunch and in just a few minutes you have a meal – the amount of heat that can come out is remarkable and the design allows you to do things with this small wood burning stove you didn’t know was possible with such a small and light device. You can check out our Solo Stove Campfire review to learn more!
Solo Stove Titan

This is the larger version of the Solo Stove Lite (aka the original model), and comes with the same patented design and same life time warranty/guarantee that you get from the other great stoves put out by this brand. While the bonfire will eventually be bigger, it serves a much different purpose than any of these specific cooking stoves or pots.
The Solo Stove Titan delivers all the benefits of the original, but with more room to boil more water at once, get more heat going, and get the heat to help your food cook faster and more thoroughly. It’s worth noting that often the Titan is available in combination with stainless steel pots
In other words, this is one of those situations where bigger is better because the quality doesn’t slip at all. You still get the same patented design that delivers an efficient, clean, and virtually smokeless burn. You still don’t need gas or propane because as an efficient wood burning stove, this model is really standing heads and shoulders above the competition.
At the end of the day this comes down to what size you want or need. Many people seem to love the additional size of the Titan and while I can’t speak to this personally (yet), if it holds up anywhere close to the quality of the original then it’s going to the top of my Christmas list (along with the Solo Stove Bonfire when it finally comes out – did I mention how excited I am about that?).
In Conclusion
When you make quality products like this, you’re going to have a lot of people excited every time you come out with something new! While we still have to wait for the official release of the Solo Stove Bonfire, it’s good to know that instead of resting on their laurels and past success, they continue to create new products that offer more and more exceptional benefits while keeping up a level of quality that is getting recognized by all the big names in the niche.
If you’re looking for a true quality wood burning stove, I can’t recommend the products of Solo Stove enough.