Since the early days of learning to camp from our dad and various Boy Scout leaders, it was always stressed to us the importance of having the right camping gear. One piece of camping gear that we often don’t spend enough time thinking about is our sleeping bag choice.
A good sleeping bag is going to keep you warm and comfortable at night, and make your overall camping experience much more enjoyable.
The key to picking the best camping sleeping bag is to examine your sleeping bag needs and compare them to all of the features and benefits of the sleeping bag you are thinking about purchasing.
For example, if you are a hiker and a backpacker, you want to make sure you buy a good lightweight option with a good compression sack that makes it easy to store. You also want to make sure your sleeping bag is rated for the right temperature that you are going to be camping in; being freezing cold while camping is not an enjoyable experience.
Listed below are the best camping sleeping bags reviewed, with more than enough information for you to pick the right sleeping bag for your camping trips!
Table of Contents

One of the most trusted companies in the sleeping bag world is Teton Sports. Teton Sports has an amazing selection of different outdoor sleeping bags that should fit the needs of most outdoor enthusiasts.
For warmer weather camping, or for backpackers and hikers, the Teton Sports Journey +40F Ultralight Sleeping Bag is a great choice.
It is very light weight, only 2.3 pounds when packed up – which makes it perfect for those backpackers trying to save pack space and physical energy.
The sleeping space is great (90 x 33 inches), so it should work for most people and it has a mummy-style hood that keeps your pillow and head off the ground.
The zipper is full length, which I like because it helps to reduce drafts.
It is made from a very lightweight material that is comfortable, and the survival rating is +40 degrees Fahrenheit. This means it is recommended for temperatures 40 degrees and above, which is why it is best in warmer camping conditions and isn’t so hot for winter camping or autumn camping (at least without a few more ground blankets and quilts/covers added in to sandwich a little extra body heat in).
With a price right around $60, it is hard to beat the great features and high quality this sleeping bag provides you with.

If you need a sleeping bag that is created for slightly colder weather, the Teton Sports Trailhead +20F Ultralight Sleeping is perfect for most people.
It weighs 2.9 pounds – so a little heavier than most backpackers would prefer, but still very doable on long hikes.
The sleeping space is 87 inches by 33 inches and it also has a mummy hood to keep your head off the ground.
It also has interior pockets that zip up allowing you to store things like a wallet and cellphone.
The 20F survival rating means you can use this sleep bag in weather conditions of 20 degrees Fahrenheit and above – which is ideal for most spring, summer, and even fall camping trips – making this an excellent 3 season sleeping bag option.
There are two main color schemes for this design. You have an orange and grey or green and grey color scheme to pick from, so hopefully you can find a sleeping bag that fits your personal style and taste.
This is another sleeping bag that is reasonably priced right around $60 – making it a great option for most campers, even on a budget!

Teton Sports also has the LEEF 20F Ultralight Mummy Sleeping Bag.
This option is 3.5 pounds vs. the 2.9 pounds of the Sports Trailhead option.
The added weight comes from what Teton Sports calls their body mapping technology – which is them adding insulation where your body needs it most.
An example of this body mapping technology is added insulation in the foot area, because all campers know that having cold feet sucks!
It also has a 3 piece hood that keeps your whole head warm – and it zips up really well, helping to eliminate those cold drafts we all hate.
The fabric is water resistant, so it holds up well (not that you should be camping in the rain, but we know how that happens from time to time for backpackers). The fabric is also very resistant from tearing.
It comes in a very catchy green color and a very catchy black color, so you should be able to camp in style.
The 20F rating keeps you comfortable in temperatures 20 degrees Fahrenheit and above, and the hood and extra insulation really do a fantastic job of keeping you warm.
This option is a little more expensive, normally around $75, but the extra money is well worth the added comfort.

For you cold weather campers that need a sleeping bag that stands up to even colder temperatures, you can pick the Teton Sports Tracker +5F Sleeping Bag.
If you couldn’t guess it already, the +5F rating means you will comfortably sleep in this camping sleeping bag in temperatures of 5 degrees and above.
Personally, that is a little cold for me, but much respect to the individuals camping out in those temperatures!
Due to the lower temperature rating, more fabric is needed to keep you warm.
This means this sleeping bag weighs 4.1 pounds, which still is a very doable weight for most hikers to carry around.
The sleeping space is 87 x 34 inches, and the hood design should keep you very warm.
You have a great red and grey color scheme or green and grey color scheme you can pick from. Personally, I really like the red and grey color option.
The price for this option is also right around $75, so this is a great choice for anyone that needs a high quality sleeping bag for those colder camping trips!

The ultimate cold weather sleeping bag (for almost all situations) that Teton Sports makes is the Teton Sports LEEF 0F Mummy Sleeping Bag.
The survival rating of this sleeping bag (Zero Degrees Fahrenheit) will keep most campers and hikers warm unless you are doing some serious outdoor adventuring (which we do approve of)!
It is made from a micro fiber insulation that helps keep you very warm while still being light weight – only weighing 4.2 pounds.
That micro fiber is extremely comfortable, and extremely durable – which is a major selling point for this sleeping bag.
It has an 87 x 34 sleeping space and it is very easy to compress down in size to make it easy to hike with.
The hood design will keep you very warm and interior pockets make it easy for you to store your small gear that you don’t want to leave out in the cold.
I prefer the black color scheme, but you also have a bright green choice you can choose if you are in to those lighter color styles.
With a price around $90; this is a great pick for almost any camping situation.

If you are like a 0F survival rating still isn’t good enough for me, you will want to pick the Teton Sports Altos Ultralight Down Mummy Sleeping Bag.
It has an unbelievable -10F rating, which is the best cold weather camping sleeping bag they offer.
It uses a combination of synthetic materials and down material to keep you warm, but also have a very quick drying time.
If your sleeping bag gets wet in those cold weather situations, you will want that quick drying capability.
The hood will keep your face very warm, and it still only weighs a little over 4 pounds, so again it can be used by hikers and backpackers without requiring you to lug around a heavy sleeping bag.
Because of its great survival rating, ability to keep you warm, high quality materials, and other factors, you can expect to pay near $300 for this sleeping bag option. Cold weather sleeping bags are always going to be more expensive, and that makes sense because you need to make sure you stay warm!
It is a great price for those that are in need of a great cold weather sleeping bag.

Backpacking couples and backpacking teams should love the Teton Sports Tracker +5 Double-Wide Sleeping Bag.
These sleeping bags are designed to fit two people, with this model have a sleeping space of 87 x 63 x 44 inches.
The body heat you get from having multiple people sleeping next together helps keep you warm, and it still has a +5 rating keeping you warm in most situations!
The mummy style hood keeps your head plenty warm and the full length zipper reduces drafts.
The bags together weigh 8.2 pounds and it comes with a compression sack to help you store this sleeping bag easily.
With a price right around $120, this is one of the most affordable high quality tandem sleeping bags you can purchase!
It really is a great choice for any couple that likes sharing the outdoors together!
All of the Teton Sports sleeping bags come with a limited life time warranty and a customer service team that is United States based.
Teton Sports cares about their customers and creating high quality products, which is why the reviews on their sleeping bags are so positive!
You won’t be sad if you decide on a Teton Sports Camping Sleeping Bag!

One of the companies that has great online reviews when it comes to sleeping bags is Tough Outdoors.
One of their most popular versions would be the All Season XL Hooded Sleeping Bag.
This is a sleeping bag that can be used in most camping situations. The comfort temperature range is between 32 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit, which is great for summer, spring – and depending where you are located – fall camping.
It has a hooded design for maximum head comfort and warmth. I also like the soft (non-scratchy) liner and polyester materials it is built from.
A big selling point here is the size. With a sleeping space of 88 x 34 inches, it can fit adults up to about 6 feet 6 inches in size.
It is about 2.8 pounds in size, and the compression sack it comes with can bundle it down to 15 x 8 x 8 inches in size. Both of those numbers are good for hikers and backpackers.
The price is right around $80, and it is machine washable, making it perfect for family camping trips or hiking trips that might get it a little dirty.

For those that prefer a Mummy style sleeping bag, Tough Outdoors also makes the Tough Outdoors All Season XL Mummy Sleeping Bag.
This is very similar to the option listed above, but the mummy style has a slightly different design for your head compared to the hooded style.
Both are very comfortable, but I have grown accustomed to the mummy style sleeping bag myself.
This sleeping bag is also a little bit smaller, with a sleeping area of 87 x 32 inches, but should still fit adults up to 6’6” in size.
The weight is the same as the hooded option, and the compression size when packed away is also practically the same.
It has inner storage pockets that you can use for small things like keys and a wallet.
It is alsomade from great materials (that are very durable), and it is designed to be used in the temperature range of 32 to 60°F.
It also costs right around the $80 mark, making this a great option for camping trips that take place almost anytime of the year – but your big selling point here is the mummy design.

The option from Tough Outdoors that many hikers and backpackers will pick is the Tough Outdoors 50°F Mummy Lightweight Sleeping Bag.
It is made for summer camping and hiking, with a recommended temperate usage range of 60°F or more.
This means it can be a little chilly using this sleeping bag during early spring and fall camping trips.
The light weight is what makes it so popular with hikers. It actually weights under 2 pounds, but is still large enough to sleep people that are 6’6” in size!
It can be difficult to find such a large sleeping bag that is still really light in weight.
The compression size is even more impressive, getting down to a size of 14 x 8 x 8 inches, making it easy to fit and even the most crowded hiking pack!
The soft woven liner and water resistant outer shell should keep you comfortable and dry – and these sleeping bags are machine washable (but should be hung dry – no putting them into a dryer).
Tough Outdoors also gives a 1 year guarantee on all of their sleeping bags, which is a big reason people have so many nice things to say about them on online review sites.

When it comes to affordability, it would be hard to talk about the best sleeping bags without mentioning Coleman options.
They make a high quality product at a great price, which is perfect for people that take a few camping trips every year, but don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars.
The Coleman Brazos Cool Weather Sleeping Bag is one of the most popular options they make. It is designed to be used in temperatures from 20⁰ F to 40⁰ F – which is nice for those cooler weather days.
The sleeping dimensions are 33 x 75 inches, so it will fit people up to about 5 ft. 11 inches in height.
It is made from 100% polyester materials and has a thick lining that keeps you plenty warm.
The design style, weight (about 4 pounds), and thick materials make this option less than ideal for hikers or backpackers, but it is perfect for tent campers, especially with a price right around $40!
This is just a great tent camping option that should keep you plenty warm.

The warm weather camping option that is really popular from Coleman is the Coleman Sunridge 40-60 Degree Sleeping Bag.
As the name implies, this sleeping bag is great for summer camping trips and is made to be used in those 40 to 60 degree temperature ranges.
The sleeping dimensions are also 33 x 75, and it will also fit people that are 5’11” or smaller in height. The great polyester materials it is made from are very durable, and it is machine washable, making it a super easy sleeping bag to take care of.
You are looking to spend right around $30 if you decide to purchase this sleeping bag for your next summer camping trip!
The other great Coleman sleeping bag that is designed for people in that 5’11” range is the Coleman Palmetto Cool Weather Sleeping Bag. The sleeping space with option also comes in at 33 x 75 inches.
This sleeping bag is built with a polyester cover and a soft tricot liner. There are 3 pounds of insulation that will keep you warm in cozy in temperatures as low as 30°F. The materials are thick, but they are very comfortable and not itchy at all.
This sleeping bag is also machine washable, and is another great option for tent campers in spring, fall, or summer camping trips.
Expect to pay right around $40 for this option, and it does come with a limited five-year manufacturer’s warranty, which is very popular with buyers.

Coleman does make some really good sleeping bags for more of the extreme hiking trips and camping trips that people take. One of those options is the Coleman North Rim Extreme Weather Sleeping Bag.
This sleeping bag has a mummy style design that will keep your head warm, which the recommended tent camping bags listed above do not have.
It is also designed to be used in temperatures of 0°F to 10°F.
If it is a warmer night, the bottom can be unzipped to allow for extra ventilation, and to reduce that sweating issue you might have.
It is built with a polyester cover and polyester liner that is both comfortable and warm.
The size is also a little bigger than some of the other bags, and should fit people up to 6’2” in height.
Other added features include a “stuff sack” that it comes with, making it very easy to store and carry around.
Priced at around $70, it is hard to find a cold weather, mummy style sleeping bag that is even close to that price. This is just a very affordable cold weather sleeping bag with lots of positives about it.

Another Coleman sleeping bag that I wanted to mention – mostly because I love the way it looks – is the Coleman White Water Sleeping Bag.
It really isn’t ideal for long hiking or backpacking trips, but the design makes it really comfortable.
This option has a polyester cover on the outside and a cotton flannel liner on the inside that is warm and comfortable. The cotton liner makes it perfect for camping in temperatures between 30 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
Like I said above, what I really like is the unique scoop shape headrest area. It isn’t a full mummy design, but it is still designed to keep your pillow and head off the ground. The standard model fits people that are 5 feet 11 inches or smaller.
It does have straps attached to it that allows you to roll it up and store it easily; but it doesn’t have a compression sack which makes it difficult to pack on those hiking trips. It also weights around 7 pounds, which would be a heavy backpacking sleeping bag!
The price option is right around $60, again making this a very durable and affordable camping sleeping bag.
At this point, if you are taller than 5’11”; you are probably asking does Coleman make any sleeping bags that I could fit into? The answer is yes – they do have the big and tall line which is 84 x 39 inches in size.

The Coleman Autumn Trails Big & Tall Sleeping Bag is the most popular larger sized sleeping bag option they have.
The Autumn Trails line has a 30 degree, 40 degree, and 50 degree model you can choose from based on the temperature you are expecting on your normal camping trips.
The lower the temperature rating, the more the sleeping bag is going to weigh, otherwise they are all very similar in design.
They are all made with the same soft polyester materials, they all have interior storage pockets, and they should all keep you warm and comfortable!
Your price range is normally between $50 to $75 depending on which temperature rating and color scheme you pick.
Still, this is a very affordable sleeping bag line and the extra space is very handy for those taller adults.
Coleman does make a really nice Big & Tall sleeping bag for cold weather camping as well. That sleeping bag is the Coleman Big Game -5 Degree Big and Tall Sleeping Bag. It is designed to be used in temperatures in that 0°F to 5°F range.

The big and tall name also means it is designed to fit people that are 6’5” tall or smaller, which is much larger than the standard 5’11” sleeping bags they normally make.
This sleeping bag uses a cotton canvas cover and a cotton flannel liner to keep you warm – and it does that really well! On surprisingly warm nights it does let you unzip the bottom for extra ventilation.
The larger size and cotton materials make this sleeping bag large and cozy, but also very heavy! It weighs almost 12 pounds, so it is not practical for most hiking and backpacking trips, but is great for colder weather tent camping.
The price is normally $110 or so, but still very affordable when compared with other cold weather sleeping bags!
The Coleman line of sleeping bags really are a great option for people that don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars for a sleeping bag. The Coleman name has been around for over 100 years, and they are known for producing popular outdoor products.
Coleman also makes a line of sleeping bags designed specifically for children. To learn more about the best sleeping bags for children, please click on the linked article.

OutdoorsmanLab is a small company that makes some really good sleeping bags. One of their most popular options is the OutdoorsmanLab Lightweight Sleeping Bag (32F). This sleeping bag is great for campers or hikers.
The 32F rating means the minimum temperature it is advised to be used in is 32° F. We would consider this a 3 season sleeping bag, great for fall, spring, and summer camping trips!
The neat thing about this sleeping bag’s design is the attached pillow case. This allows you to keep your pillow off the ground, and your head comfortable when sleeping. This rectangular shaped sleeping bag is also made from soft, water resistant materials, maximizing your sleeping comfort.
It is light weight, under 3 pounds, and it comes with a compression sack that makes it very easy to backpack with. The sleeping space is right around 73 x 30 inches, providing ample space for most adults.
You also got a sharp looking red or blue color scheme to pick from. With the price being right around $30, it is hard to find a better deal out there!
There is also the OutdoorsmanLab Lightweight Sleeping Bag (32F) hooded sleeping bag you can pick from. It is almost identical to the option listed above, but instead of having the attached pillow case, you have a hooded area around your head.
The weather rating, weight, materials, rectangular design, basically all those things are identical to the sleeping bag listed above, besides the hooded top and the size is slightly larger at 85 x 30 inches.
The price is normally right around $35, again making it a great investment.

For those of us that just don’t want to camp in those cold weather situations (which I think is most of us) – OutdoorsmanLab does make a warm weather sleeping bag – the OutdoorsmanLab Lightweight 50 – 70F Sleeping Bag.
This is a nice option for warm weather camping or backpacking trips, with the ideal temperature range for its usage being in that 50 to 70° F range.
This design has their nifty built in pillow case (helps keep your head off the ground and your pillow from getting wet), and rectangular shape that makes sleeping very comfortable.
It has a compression bag that it comes with, and weighs less than 1.6 pounds – making a perfect summer hiking sleeping bag as well.
It will comfortably sleep men, women, and children up to 5’11” in size. The soft materials should make camping very enjoyable with this option.
You can pick from a fun orange, green, deep blue, and regular blue colors scheme.
You are going to pay right around $30 for this sleeping bag, making it a phenomenal summer camping sleeping bag option.

For those of us that prefer having a mummy style sleeping bag – the OutdoorsmanLab Ultralight 32F Mummy Sleeping Bag will be the choice for you.
It has great size, 87” x 32” x 22”, which is a little bit bigger than a lot of other mummy sleeping bag options.
The Mummy hood really helps keep you warm in cooler weather conditions, which is part of the reason this sleeping bag has that 32° temperature rating.
It comes with a compression sack, which backpackers love.
The big selling points for me on this sleeping bag is the comfortable and super soft liner, as well as the mummy style design for warmth.
These materials are very durable, so you hikers that are going to be taking many different hiking trips are going to have no problem keeping this sleeping bag around for a long time.
The price is right around $40, which is very affordable for a mummy sleeping bag and a cold weather sleeping bag. Add in the durable and comfortable materials it is made from, this sleeping bag is a steal at that price!
What a great choice if you want a mummy sleeping bag!

Another sleeping bag from OutdoorsmanLab that is super popular is the OutdoorsmanLab Double Sleeping Bag.
These sleeping bag is two separate bags that can be used separately, or zipped together to create one very large sleeping area meant for two people. The double sleeping bag area is great for couples that are camping, or parents that want to sleep next to their child.
Once zipped together you are looking at a sleeping space of 87 x 59 inches, which is plenty large enough for multiple people. The soft polyester liner is very comfortable as well.
You are looking at a temperate rating of 32° F – so this sleeping bag is great for fall weather camping. Plus the extra body heat when paired together helps keep you warm.
At a $50 price, you won’t find many double sleeping bags that can compete at that price point. The user reviews are also fantastic online for this option, making it a great choice for anybody that wants to experience a double sleeping bag.
You will be very happy if you decide to purchase a sleeping bag from OutdoorsmanLab. This smaller company provides a great selection of different sleeping bags at great prices!

If you are a big reader of this site, you may remember reading about ErgaLogik is our review about the best solar lanterns. ErgaLogik also make some great sleeping bags that are really designed for hikers and backpackers.
There most popular sleeping bag on most online shopping sites is the ErgaLogik Nomad Classic Warm Weather UltraLight Compression Envelope Sleeping Bag. This is one of the best sleeping bags that warm weather hikers can purchase!
When unfolded, it is 6 feet 4 inches in length and about 29 inches in width, providing a great sleeping area. Better yet, when you have it compressed in the included compression envelope, it is only 8” x 11.5” and weighs 1.7 pounds.
That size is incredible for backpackers that need to preserve space and lessen the weight of their pack. The compression envelope also makes it incredibly easy to travel with.
It is a warm weather sleeping bag because it has a survival rating of 48°F and a comfort rating of 58°F. The light weight means less fabric, which is why it was created for warmer weather trips.
You also get a limited lifetime warranty from this U.S. based company – and they are a company we highly recommend doing business with. This sleeping bag should cost you right around $30, which is an absolute steal for the quality of sleeping bag you are getting.

New in 2017, ErgaLogik has released a fantastic mummy sleeping bag for cold weather camping. This sleeping bag is called the ErgaLogik Fahrenheit 30 Large Mummy Sleeping Bag.
This sleeping bag is huge! For you taller folks that struggle to find a good sleeping bag over that 5’11” or 6”4” standard sizes that most sleeping bags come in, this option is actually over 7 feet long (87 inches in length)!
It is also 32 inches wide at the shoulders, meaning almost anyone should be able to comfortably sleep in this sleeping bag.
The mummy style design is great for colder nights because it keeps your head off the ground and warmly insulated from the wind!
It has ultra-soft and breathable materials, and a firm shell that is very durable. It does weight 3.8 pounds, so it is a little heavier, but the extra fabric makes it a much longer option than you normally have access to and it allows you to use it in temperatures as low as 30°F.
It does come with a stuff sack that makes it easy to store, but it isn’t as backpack friendly as the warm weather ErgaLogik sleeping bag reviewed above.
You are looking at a price of about $40, which is incredibly affordable for a 7 foot long sleeping bag. This one also comes with a limited lifetime guarantee, and we are confident in saying you are going to love the ErgaLogik product line!

Outdoor Vitals makes some really good sleeping bags that should fit the needs of almost any camper. The Outdoor Vitals OV-Light 35 Degree Sleeping bag is the most popular option that they make.
There are two models of this sleeping bag. You can buy a blue one, which has the zipper on the right had side. You can also buy an orange one that has the zipper on the left hand size. And if you buy both of them, you can zip them together to create a double sleeping bag for pair sleeping!
These sleeping bags have a survival rating of 35°F, which make it a great spring, fall, and summer camping sleeping bag.
From a size standpoint, you are looking at a sleeping area of 83 x 29 inches, which fits most people that are 6’6” or shorter. The sleeping bag weighs 2.2 pounds, and 2.5 pounds when in the compression sack.
The compression sack is very nice for storage and hikers. The compressed size is 10 x 7 x 7 inches, which is a great size for storage.
These sleeping bags have a synthetic insulation that is comfortable, but keeps you very warm. The zippers on these sleeping bags are reinforced, so you shouldn’t experience any zipper failures.
Your price for this option is right around $50, and if you follow the instructions when purchasing, you will be able to get a limited lifetime warranty.

A common theme with Outdoor Vitals sleeping bags is you can buy two different color models and combine them into one large sleeping bag. The same is true with the Outdoor Vitals Atlas 15° Down Sleeping Bag.
The blue sleeping bag option is the right hand zipper model and the red sleeping bag is the left hand zipper model, and again, they can be combined into one large sleeping bag.
These sleeping bags weigh 3Ib 7oz (3lb 12oz when in compression sack). The down materials it is made from are super comfortable, but they are a little heavier which is why this sleeping bag weighs more than many other options.
The compression sack compacts it down to 9 x 11 inches, so it could be used on shorter hiking trips. The 15°F rating makes this an ideal sleeping bag for those cold weather camping trips.
The down materials, high quality construction, and lifetime warranty are all huge bonuses if you decide to select this sleeping bag.
With a price right around $100, you are getting a great deal for a comfortable cold weather sleeping bag!
Outdoor Vitals also makes the Outdoor Vitals Atlas 30° Down Sleeping Bag. There are only a few difference between this version and the 15° version listed above.
The Atlas 30 is lighter, about 2.75 pounds, and the compression sack gets it down to 9 x 9 inches in size, which will travel very easily for backpackers.
The temperate rating is a little higher at 30°F; and the down material should still keep you very warm. You have the charcoal and green colored sleeping bags that you can pick from.
The price is right around $80, it is very hard to find and down sleeping bags that can beat that price!

Outdoor Vitals Summit 20°F Down Sleeping Bag is a great choice for anyone that wants to dip into some colder weather camping. It is made from unbelievably soft down material that will keep you warm in cozy on those chilly nights.
The 20°F temperature rating is great for colder weather. The materials are ultra-light, so you can use these sleeping bags when hiking.
What is neat about this sleeping bag is you have 3 sizes to pick from. The short model is 69 x 31 inches and weighs 2 pounds 5 ounces. Anyone that is 5’6” or smaller can fit into this size.
The regular model is 75 x 31 inches and weighs 2 pound 6 ounces. It will fit anyone that is 5’6” to 6’ in height.
The long model is 81 x 35 inches in size, so it can fit anyone that is 6’ to 6’6” in size. This open is also wider than the other two. It does weigh 2 pounds 9 ounces.
When compressed in the compression sack, all three of these versions are right around 10 x 8 x 8 inches. You also have a blue and a black option you can pick from in those different size options.
From a pricing standpoint you are looking at $150 – $180 depending on the size you pick. The longer the sleeping bag, the more expensive it is going to be.

If you are into extreme cold weather camping, you can also purchase the Outdoor Vitals 0 Degree Down Sleeping Bag. This option is very similar to the one listed above, except that it has a zero degree temperature rating and can be used in what I would consider very cold camping situations.
This option also has three sizes to pick from, and is made from the same awesome materials as the 20°F option.
The size options are the same in length and width when you compare the 0 degree and 20 degree sleeping bags. There is a slight difference between the two in weight.
The 0 Degree short model is 2 pounds 11 ounces, the regular model is 2 pounds 12 ounces, and the long model is 2 pounds 15 ounces.
These 3 different size options come in a black or green color scheme, and the price ranges from about $180 to $200.
This is a great price when you consider the temperature rating and materials that this sleeping bag is made from!

Outdoor Vitals is one of the up and coming sleeping bag manufacturers, so of course they make multiple double sleeping bag options. One of the very popular options for double sleeping is the Outdoor Vitals Explorer 25°F Rectangular Down Sleeping Bag.
This sleeping bag can be used as a single sleeping bag, or you can buy a left and a right zipper sleeping bag to combine the two. The green colored one is their left side zipper bag and grey colored one is the right side zipper bag. They can be zipped together to form one large sleeping bag that will keep you extra warm.
When in single form, the sleeping bag weights just a hair over 3 pounds, but can be compressed down to 10 x 8 inches in the compression sack it comes with! This makes it a very good option for hikers, especially with its 25°F temperate rating!
The materials this sleeping bag is made from really set it apart from other similar sleeping bags made by different companies. This sleeping bag is made with down materials, including some duck down on the top layer, which works incredibly well as an insulation agent.
It also does not have a mummy style hood, so if you are a person that is not a big fan of mummy sleeping bags, you will appreciate the design of this option.
With a price right around $140 or $150, you will spend close to $300 to buy both sleeping bags if you want to use the double sleeping bag option.
I would recommend this sleeping bag for anyone that wants a soft down material sleeping bag, the ability to have a single or double sleeping bag, and for anyone that isn’t a fan of mummy style sleeping bags.

Not every Outdoor Vitals sleeping bag is in that $50 to $200 range. You can buy the Outdoor Vitals OV-Light 40 Degree Rectangular Sleeping Bag. It is meant for a little warmer weather, you want to keep it in temps of 40°F+.
The design is very simple, it looks like your simple rectangle sleeping bag that most of us probably had growing up. There is no hood or mummy hood, but again, this is designed to be a very practical sleeping bag design.
It does have the capability to become one double sleeping bag, just zip together any two rectangular sleeping bags together to become one giant one (you can pick from red or blue color schemes).
It weighs about 2.5 pounds when in its compression sack, and it can be compacted down to 10 x 7 inches in size.
It is made from 50% nylon and 50% polyester, has reinforced zippers, and should hold up well for most campers.
It is a very simple, affordably priced (about 40 bucks), and should be a great addition to most people’s camping gear collection.
Outdoor Vitals provides a great selection of sleeping bags for campers and hikers of all ages and experience levels!

One of the most respected sleeping bag companies you can buy from is Kelty. They produce very high quality sleeping bags that can be used in a number of different situations.
The Kelty Tuck 22 Degree Sleeping bag is one of their premier 3 season sleeping bags. The 22°F temperature rating will keep you comfortable in fall, spring, and summer camping conditions!
Kelty uses their unique “ThermaPro” synthetic insulation to keep you warm and comfortable, with this fabric blend being created to maintain warmth on those cold nights.
The design also incorporates a hood and a footbox to keep both your head and feet extra comfortable and warm.
It weighs about 3 pounds and comes in two sizes you can pick from: a regular size that fits people up to 6 feet in height, and a long size which fits people up to 6 feet 6 inches in height.
The high quality materials make this a great cold weather camping bag, and you will spend around $90 on the regular size and $100 on the long size option.
For a little warmer weather camping you have the Kelty Tuck 30 Degree Sleeping Bag. It is very similar to the 22 Degree sleeping bag listed above. It is made from the same great materials, it comes in two sizes that fit people of the same length, and the durability is fantastic.
Your difference is the temperate rating, the weight (this one weighs 23 oz.), and the price is a little cheaper, normally $80 for the regular size and $90 for the long version.

One of the most affordable sleeping bags that Kelty makes for adults is the Kelty Callisto 20 degree sleeping Bag. It is a traditional rectangular sleeping bag that does not have a hood, so it is great for people that don’t want a mummy style sleeping bag.
It weights almost 5 pounds and the stuff size is 12 x 19 inches, so it isn’t recommended for backpacking or hiking – but is ideal for tent camping!
The 20 degree temperature rating is great for cooler weather, and the polyester and insulation will keep you very comfortable and warm.
From a size point, you are looking at a sleeping bag that should fit anyone that is up to 6 feet 6 inches in size. The green color is pretty bland, but you aren’t looking for the fanciest looking sleeping bag if you buy this model.
With a price right around $65 to $80, you are looking at a great price for a very durable and comfortable sleeping bag.

The Kelty Dualist 6 Degree Sleeping Bag is the cold weather camping option that people really enjoy from Kelty. The comfort rating of 6 degrees allows you to use this sleeping bag in almost all camping situations.
The big selling point for picking this sleeping bag is the materials. Kelty uses what they call a “DriDown” insulation with is very water resistant, but it dries faster and lofts better than most insulations. It also has a mummy style construction that will keep your head extra warm.
It comes in two sizes (common with most Kelty sleeping bags) where you can pick from the large version or the regular version.
Your price for this open is the $200 to $210 range, depending on the size you pick. I do really like the “Chili Pepper” red color scheme this sleeping bag comes in, and would highly recommend this option for anyone that’s looking for a very comfortable and durable winter weather sleeping bag.
There is also the Kelty Dualist 20 Degree Sleeping Bag as well. It uses the same materials as the 6 degree version to produce a warm and comfortable sleeping experience (in temperatures 20 degrees or above).
It is a little lighter in weight, and it compresses to a smaller size, but besides those slight differences you are getting a very well designed sleeping bag. The price is also great, normally in that $120 to $160 range.
Kelty also makes a lot of great sleeping bags that are specifically designed for children. There is a reason Kelty is one of the most trusted names in the sleeping bag industry, and you will be happy buying a sleeping bag from them!

Sierra Designs has been producing high quality camping and outdoor gear since 1965, and their award winning products include some fantastic camping sleeping bag options.
The Sierra Designs Zissou Plus 15 Degree Down Sleeping Bag is one of their fantastic options. This traditional mummy style designed sleeping bag is great in temperatures down to 15°F, and will provide a warm and comfortable sleeping experience.
This sleeping bag weighs about 3 pounds, and comes with a stuff sack (not a compression sack however). The materials are great, with a nice blend of polyester and down materials to provide maximum comfort while keeping you warm.
There are two sizes to pick from, a regular size which fits people up to about 6 feet in height. The long size will fit people up to about 6 ft. 6 inches in size.
Prices vary from $210 to about $270 depending on the length and color scheme you pick.
You also have the Sierra Designs Zissou Plus 30 Degree Down Sleeping bag you can pick. The temperature rating is 30 degrees, but it is made from the same great materials as the 15 degree option.
Besides these traditional mummy style sleeping bags that Sierra Designs created, they also created what they call the Backcountry Bed sleeping bag. This is a very unique design that is incredibly comfortable and effective, but also hard to describe in words.
So below is a quick information video about this style of sleeping bag.
What makes Sierra Designs a hot commodity in the outdoor gear world is innovative design and concepts they created like the above mentioned sleeping bags. Those Backcountry Bed designed sleeping bags are what Sierra Designs are really known for in the sleeping bag world.
There are hundreds of different sleeping bag options that consumers can pick from, and this list covers what we consider to be the best companies and the best sleeping bag choices that those companies produce.
The best advice we can give you is if you are a person that spends a lot of time and energy camping and hiking, spend some extra money on the more durable options. Otherwise, make sure you are selecting a sleeping bag that is properly rated for the temperature you will be camping in, and has enough size to fit you comfortable.
You should also make sure it is comfortable. Nobody likes getting a bad night of sleep.