Gun oils are a very important part to caring for your firearms. By keeping your guns lubricated, you’ll keep them in great shape and firing properly. Neglecting to do this creates a wide variety of problems, starting from rusting and poor appearance that can get to worse handling and eventually if left unchecked long enough this can even result in misfiring and other unnecessary mechanical issues.
This is why performing regular maintenance is so important. Spend a little time using a good oil to make sure your gun is well oiled and taken care of, and you won’t be sorry.
Making sure you lubricate your firearms regularly is only one piece of the pie. You also want to make sure you’re using a quality product too. There’s a lot of different choices on the market. If you’re confused as to what oil you should go with, read on and make your own decision.
Our list of the absolute top rated gun oils out there listed below are all premium oils that come at a very affordable price to give you the best possible results.
Break-Free CLP-4 Cleaner Lubricant Preservation
Are you worried about corrosion? If so then lay your fears to rest with the Break-Free CLP-4 Cleaner, our top rated choice among many good gun oils for being the best of the best when it comes to protecting and maintaining your firearm.
This tough solution has very powerful corrosion inhibitors mixed into it that will help stop any rusting dead in its tracks. It also removes grime, dirt, and other contaminants with ease to help prevent abrasion and the natural damage that can come from use and time.
This oil helps to do all of that while preserving the overall quality of your firearm. Cleaning, protecting, and finishing – all in one application. This oil cleaner is truly a gun owner’s best friend.
Another thing that is really great about the CPL-4 Cleaner is its high velocity rate. Oils with low velocity rates can become quite hard and very dry in harsh weather conditions. That’s why when you use this oil, you can feel confident knowing that you’re using one of the best products on the market.
There’s a reason this particular oil has thousands of perfect reviews from a large number of shooters and hunters. This patented formula will continue to keep working in temperatures as low as -65F to as hot as +475F. Now, that’s impressive.
Hoppe’s No. 9 Lubricating Oil
This is one multi-functional gun oil that is designed to be the perfect solution for outdoor enthusiasts who need a high viscosity oil whether for firearms, fishing reels, and more. A favorite among hunters and shooters, besides just lubricating, protecting, and cleaning your firearms, you can also use it to lubricate other gear and provide the type of smooth and high quality performance you want.
Hoppe’s has a reputation for quality, and there’s no question that it really is a useful item to have on hand and definitely worth the buy.
The reason why Hoppe’s No. 9 Lubricating Oil performs so well is because of its high velocity rate. Once you apply this oil, you’ll never have to worry about it becoming hard or gumming up. It doesn’t matter what kind of weather conditions you’re putting it through. It’s that tough and extremely dependable.
The self life for Hoppe’s No. 9 is advertised and being infinite. That’s right: it will never expire, go bad, or lose its precious velocity. When you purchase a 14.9ml bottle, you can use it at any speed you want. The name has long been widely recognized by hunters as one of the best in the industry, and they have several specialty off-shoot oils for whatever you need.
This is a gun care product I highly recommend to gun owners of all kinds.
Lucas Oil Gun Oil Reviewed
While I appreciate the timely one shot at a time method of aiming, there’s something fun about firing high speed semi-automatic and even automatic weapons. While that’s a whole lot of fun, if they’re not properly cared for they can overheat, malfunction, and even mis-fire.
You definitely want to avoid that, and Lucas Oil is a renowned gun oil (available in individual 2 oz bottles or the pack of 10 displayed to the left) that has a strong reputation for helping to keep your firearm running smoothly to help prevent overheating.
Lucas Oil is engineered to help keep your favorite hot firing firearms from getting too hot. By keeping the temperature down, you’ll be able to shoot more constantly and more accurately while also helping eliminate the chance of your firearm malfunctioning.
Another advantage to using this gun oil is the ultimate protection it provides. Once you apply it, you can feel comfortable knowing that rust and heavy corrosion won’t even have a chance. This is why if you’re planning on storing any of your firearms for an extended period of time, you should consider giving this product a chance.
Do you get nausea or headaches due to the scent of other gun oils? If so, you’ll feel great knowing that Lucas Oil is 100% odorless and toxic free. To me, this is a big advantage compared to several current products on the market. I’m sure you’ll feel the same way once you use it.
Grizzly Grease Non-Toxic CLP Reviewed
The thing you’ll absolutely love about Grizzly grease is just how versatile this non-toxic oil treatment is. Lauded by recreational shooting fans, hunters, and serious range shooters a like, this gun cleaning oil enjoys a solid reputation for its versatility.
Once you apply it, it’ll lubricate, protect, and clean your firearms all at the same time. You’re basically getting three different products for the price of one.
Not only will this save you money, but you will also be able to save a lot of time and make the clean-up process much quicker, too.
Not only is Grizzly Grease versatile, it’s also composed from a non-toxic formula. In fact, it’s even certified by the USDA and is made from natural ingredients. Don’t let that fool you though. This oil is one tough solution. Not only will it protect your firearms from corrosion, but it is also strong enough to handle both the bitter cold and the extreme heat, and exceeds U.S. Military regulations.
This is an outstanding product every gun owner should own.
CLP Gun Oil by Sage & Braker Reviewed
When you invest in a bottle of CLP, you’ll get a high-quality solvent that’ll lubricate your firearm while also offer protection against moisture, corroding, and all kinds of fouling as well. Even if you haven’t cleaned your gun in years, this amazing formula will remove the built-up filth with virtually no extra effort at all.
This particular gun oil really is just that tough.
In addition to cleaning and protecting, this gun oil will also help eliminate the presence of static. Why is this important? Static attracts carbon, and the built-up carbon can result in both safety issues and mechanical problems too. By using this oil regularly, you can avoid unnecessary issues like this.
The thing that really makes CLP great though in my opinion is how it can improve the accuracy of your shots. It does this by keeping your firearm cooler when it’s being fired while also ensuring that all the powder in your cartridge is being burned. This, in return, results in a smoother and more constant shot.
This is truly one fantastic gun oil that gets the tough jobs done.
Extreme Force Weapon Lube
Gun owners looking for a cleaning oil that goes above and beyond most products on the market should try Extreme Force Weapon Lube. Whether you’re in the cold, the rain, or the heat, you can feel confident knowing that this lubricant will continue to withstand the harsh elements.
You’ll never have to worry about it gumming up or becoming hard, and it’s made to last an extremely long time. The multiple sizes available let you choose the best option for you and your collection of firearms whether you have just one or two favorites, or an entire room dedicated to these remarkable oils.
When you apply this lubricant with the dropper, you’ll notice how easy it is to spread and how it immediately penetrates into the surface of your firearm. This oil both protects and preserves making it an exceptionally choice for anyone who planning on storing their firearms for a while.
Extreme Force gun cleaning oil comes in three different sizes and features an easy to use dropper tip for precise accuracy. With this tip, you’ll be able to reach those hard to get to places.
That is an exceptional design that helps make proper cleaning all the easier, and that’s always good news when it comes time to clean and maintain!
Some Final Thoughts
I know we harp on this at some point in pretty much every single article we put up about hunting or shooting gear, but maintaining your firearms is incredibly important and is not something that can be ignored or brushed off. We hope you like this list, our take on the top rated gun oils currently available to keep your firearms in the best possible firing shape.
While different individuals will have their opinions, and many of the in-depth proudly self-proclaimed gun fanatics will talk about looking at a wide variety of gun oils because they use different oils for different firearms and different cleaning & maintenance situations. This video below is a great one that further talks about the preferred options that are out there.
Couple of Iraq Veterans on their preferred gun oils
A few more resources of possible interest: